The Blessed Hope

June 05, 2024 00:43:37
The Blessed Hope
Luis Palau Legacy Library
The Blessed Hope

Jun 05 2024 | 00:43:37


Show Notes

Luis takes us on an inspiring journey exploring the profound mysteries of the second coming and God's eternal plan. From Jesus' prophetic words to end-time fulfillment, be encouraged as he dispels misconceptions about Jesus' glorious return. Deepen your understanding of God's purposes for His chosen people, and anchor your hope in Christ. Join us in drawing closer to God’s heart through His divine revelation.

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Episode Transcript

Tonight, I want to lead you into the thought of the deep things of God. One of the deep things that the Lord has taught us is about second coming. You know, some people say, Why do you make such a big deal about the Second Coming? What's the point? I said, well, the Second Coming and related truths are mentioned about 300 times in the Bible, I think the Lord thinks is somewhat important. You know, he didn't put it in there just because he couldn't think what else to put in the Bible. So that's one of these. And some people say, Well, you know, there are so many opinions about Second Coming truth, and therefore, it's better to avoid it. Oh, that's a great biblical stance. And one of my thoughts for those of you theologians, there are three of them here is, don't let your theology get in the way of the Bible. We all come with a certain already established thinking most of us, you know, so we all have to say that to ourselves. But for instance, some people talk about Israel being replaced by the church, it's going to replace one theology. It's not in the Bible, but it's an interesting idea. Somebody invented it by John Calvin or something. And so everybody's ever heard John Calvin said, blah, blah, blah, they read the Bible and let God speak for himself. Today, we're gonna see that the church didn't replace Israel and Israel has not disappeared. And we know that it's in Israel. Did you know that? Yeah, it's right there in Jerusalem is still the capital. And I know when I talked to many Jewish people, and I do I have friends who are Jewish. And I often say to the, especially the secular ones, I believe that when the Messiah comes, he's going to rule the nations for at least 1000 years, and Jerusalem will be the head of the nations and muscle of secular Jews is really, you don't believe that? I believe in 100%. Where do you get that from the Bible? And they always surprise I believe it because God says it. That's why, uh huh. Don't argue with me because it's true. All right. But you know, some people say, Well, when you're thinking about the future and Heaven and the Second Coming, people who are heavily minded, I know worthley Good. You know, CS Lewis, who was heavenly minded and secular minded. He said, I find that when you read the history, the people who thought most about heaven did most for earth. And he said, If you aim for heaven, you get Earth thrown in. But if you aim for Earth, you get neither. I quote him, because I believe him. And because I agree with him, but you know, some people will listen to the unhealthy curiosity to talk about the future. And a very well known theologian, friend of ours, he's in heaven now. And by now he knows we were right. But in one of his books on Romans, when it comes to chapters 910 and 11, that talks about Israel, past, present and future, he says it I got it underlined with a big question mark. He said, evangelical, unhealthy curiosity, about second coming, I'd have to get ready for Pete's sake, God put in at least 300 references. Maybe the Lord is curious, or we're just following him. Anyway, I'm not in for a fight tonight. But I just wanted to wake you up with that, that the Lord has something that he's revealed about the second, yes, there are details that none of us knows. Therefore we treat it with humility, but also with joy and with conviction, and with joy with excitement, because we know that Jesus could come tonight, no kidding. The Bible says, we don't know what what time your Lord will come. We don't know. And he makes appointment, a little kid said, you know why God doesn't tell you because he wants you to be really excited when it happens. He wants it to be a great surprise. And yes, when he comes, there's going to be a surprise. You're gonna make Quickie, from what I understand from the Bible, gonna be the twinkling of an eye, bang, bang, he's gonna come the trumpet will blow the archangel blow the trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first. They're coming with him. We go up in the air. Then one moment, boom, we're gone out of here. Now you say what if he doesn't come before I die? Or I die before he comes. While you're going straight to heaven. So hey, rejoice, you beat us to it. That's what you did. All you leave behind is your body, but you go into the presence of the Lord. The Bible says, absent from the body. For as I'm with the Lord, man that doesn't get better than that, except when he comes back. I don't want to die. To be honest. I want to go to heaven without dying. So I hope that within the next 20 years, the Lord comes and we're all off including me. But the Lord knows it could be another 1000 years. Okay, now I'm going jumping ahead of myself. Let's go to Titus chapter two, because the title tonight is the "Blessed. Hope you remember perhaps, that we talked the first night or two or three, the book, the blood, the body of Christ, and the "Blessed hope I did it with B so that it might be easier to remember, in Titus, the book of Titus chapter two. In the Bible, it mentions that phrase, and I'd like to read it together with you know, I'll read it, you follow. And it says in verses 11 to 15, listen to the word of the Lord. The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. While we wait for the blessed hope, there it is, the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself up for us, to redeem us from all wickedness. And to purify for Himself are people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. These then other things that you should teach, encourage, and rebuke with all authority. Don't let anyone despise you, the blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Now, let's go to John chapter 14, you knew that one was coming, John, chapter 14, verse one, just six verses, brief readings. But listen carefully, every word is worth going, John 14, it's the last night, Jesus is going to be arrested within about two hours of what he says right here. And this is what he says to to the disciples, he's just told them that he's gonna die. And then he says this, don't let your hearts be troubled. You trust in God, trust also in me, In my Father's house, there are many rooms, if it weren't also, I would have told you, I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me. So that you may also be who I am. And you know the way to the place where I'm going. Thomas said to him, Lord, we don't know where you're going. So how can we know the way? Jesus answered, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my father as well. And from now on, you do know him, and you have seen him. Phillips said, Lord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us. Jesus answered, don't you know me, Philip, even after I've been with you for such a long time, anyone who has seen me has seen the Father, how can you say, Show us the Father. Now, if you don't mind, First Thessalonians chapter four, just a little pages, a few pages back First Thessalonians chapter four. It's important that we read it so that you realize that it's all based on what the scripture actually says, and what it means to So First Thessalonians chapter four, and beginning with verse 13. Some of you have read it many times, but you'll never get tired of it. I don't, here we go. Brothers, we don't want you to be ignorant about those who have fallen asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died, and rose again. And so we also believe that God will bring with Jesus, those who are falling asleep in him. According to the Lord's own word, we tell you, that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep, For the Lord Himself, will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with a voice of the archangel, and with a trumpet call of God, and the daring Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive on our left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore, encourage one another with these words. That is the word of God and isn't that exciting? To read it again and be reminded You know, when you think about all the stuff going on in the world today, it's easy to forget the great promises that God has given us the deep things that God has revealed about the future. And he's revealed that to us, and he says that you notice worrying. We don't want you to be ignorant. People have got brains want to know, they want to understand. I mean, it's, it's a major issue. What happens when Jesus comes on what happens if I die before he comes? Hey, those are the major questions of life. CS Lewis again, said that once you settled your eternal destiny, all other decisions are puny in comparison. Buckeye you're gonna buy a gun in Cannon Beach lakes here. Who are you going to marry? What clothes are you going to buy? You're going to play football. I gotta go watch the Seattle Seahawks. Next season. Yeah, minor baloney compared to the eternal destiny of your life and the future. And then one more reading Second Peter, chapter three. Here we go. It's tempting to read it all, but it would be a bit much. So let's close it down a little bit. Okay, so verse eight. All right, second, Peter, three, eight. Now this is not about the second coming for us. But Jesus Christ coming down with power and great glory, after the Great Tribulation, and after the millennium, to really deal with creation and blow it up. Okay, so don't confuse what we just read about is going to be with the Lord with this one which has to do with the end of almost the very end of everything as we know it now. Alright, verse eight, listen to this. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth, I never begin, it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way. What kind of people ought you to be, you ought to live a holy and godly lives. As you look forward to the day of God and speed, it's coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with this promise, we're looking forward to a new heaven, and a new earth, the home of righteousness. So here comes the conclusion. So dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with him. Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation. Just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters. Speaking in some of these matters, his letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other scriptures, to their own destruction. Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard, so that you may not be carried away by the era of lawless men. Let's stop right there. This afternoon, I got to talk to one of you, a brother who's here, who's a pastor, and we chatted just a few minutes. And he said to me, what book would you have the men in my church want to talk about God's purposes in the world that nations and rulers of nations and so on? I recommended my book that I'll mention, it's called, is God on America side? Is God on America side, and is written by the pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, Dr. Erwin Luzzatto L U. tz er, is God on America. It actually is very Americanized, but the principles are Dr. Luther brings out a very biblical and eternal and easy to follow. In fact, I thought I'd mentioned the chapters for you so you know, where it's going. First Principle he calls it, God can both bless and curse a nation. And he shows it from scripture that that has happened historically. Second principle, God judges nations based on the amount of light and opportunity that they are given as a nation. Third principle, God sometimes uses exceedingly evil nations, to judge those that are less evil. An interesting thing that stopped in the Bible quite clearly. fourth principle, when God judges a nation, the righteous suffer along with the wicked. That's a tough one, but it's true. fifth principle. God's judgments take various forms. It can be wars, enemies up the gate, whether the church changes, lack of rain, earthquakes, the Lord uses all sorts of things on sixth principle in judgment, God's target is off Find his people, not just the pagans among them, when you study the life of Israel, and the believers begin became disobedient and they drifted away, and they ignored the law of the Lord. The Lord sent judgments on his people. And in some ways we gotta face it today. And then the final principle, I'm gonna read as this seventh principle, God sometimes reverses intended judgments. And that is when there's repentance at the top. When the leaders humble themselves before the Lord, then the Lord often has said, All right, I won't destroy you, because you repented from the heart. So important principles, and I think you'd like to see them now. I read it, because I think it's important to know, there are people who know very much about the country, and about the situation today, gentleman who was a Pentagon chief for several years in the United States. I don't think he's a Christian, necessarily. But he says that he sees the danger, the danger of atomic warfare and hydrogen bombs, any day could happen. And he's not a alarmist. He's a very intelligent, "Follow, high level, you know, Pentagon and all the rest of it, but he knows what's going on. And he says that some small group of people could create atomic bombs or hydrogen bombs, blow them up between the White House and the house, and it would kill 80,000 people on the spot, including the President, and that they got announced eight other cities where they have small bombs, homemade practically, and the country would be up in arms. Now he says that, then you say, Oh, my soul? Yes. Oh, my soul is right. That's why it's important to know, what does the Lord say? And the Scripture does do now, in the Scripture, I'm laying the foundation. But I want to finish up only with a church and the Lord coming in the clouds for us. The Bible, as I said, yesterday, or sometime, if you remember, the Scripture talks about the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church of God. And when you study prophecy, you've got, among other things, be alert, and humble, and intense, and concentrate, and rely on the Holy Spirit to get the big joke at this prophecy. Is it about Israel? Is it about the Gentile nations that is the non Jewish nations? Or is it about the church? In a few cases, there's an overlap between Israel and the nations in particular. But also there's a bit of an overlap between Israel and its future and the church. So you gotta have a clear in your mind. The Scripture teaches then that Israel, Yes, God chose Israel. And he says it repeatedly, not because you were great of another nations, not because you were better than other nations. But he chose Israel, to prove a point that he is God, and to prove that he's a sovereign God. And he chose Abraham to be the father of the Jewish nation, not because Abraham was more holy than anybody else, simply because God is God. And he chose Abraham, and through Abraham through his descendants, the nation of Israel has become a worldwide power, even though it's still a small nation. You know, there's only about 12 million Jews less than that in Israel. And then still many scattered around the world. One or two are here today. So the Lord has His people, but he didn't. He says, For my glory, and for my honor, and the Lord intends to bring Israel back to his land, and make Jerusalem the capital, because he intends to prove that what he said 1000s of years ago is true. I not only in the face of Satan, and his demons, and all the powers and principalities that the bore the Word of God mentions, the Lord is trying to prove the reality that He is God. And one of the instruments is the nation of Israel. Now, I wish we had time to read it, which would fit the week together on this, Romans 910 and 11, that we're not going to read it. But write it down, if you're the type who likes to do that. Romans 910 and 11. Basically, you could put it this way, Romans chapter nine, very quickly, and you have to be serious about it when you read it in chapter nine is the way God dealt with Israel in the past. Okay. Chapter 10 is what God is doing with Israel today, in a very quick fashion, a big overview. I mean, it's only a short chapter, but it talks about in Chapter 10, God working in the world today, drawing Jews as well as Gentiles, to become children of God. And then chapter 11, basically, has to do with Israel in the future, and read it without in mind. Chapter nine, the past chapter 10. Today, while the church is the supreme interest of God's plans for the for the world, and Jews and Gentiles are members of the church, but Israel as a nation and chapter Ever will go back to the Holy Land, they are there already, it will become stronger. And that's where the Messiah will come down. And we will come with him. And he will rule the world for at least 1000 years, the Millennium as it's called. And you know, it's exciting to realize God's purposes will be fulfilled. i When you look at history as a whole, and you see how God sent the Jewish people, and he said, I'm gonna send you to the nations if you disobey. they disobey them by George, they sent them to the nations. But I'll bring you back man has a passage in Luke 24, I think it says, it says, Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. That was about 2000 years, the times of the Gentiles. Jerusalem, became part of Israel after the Six Day War, wasn't it? Yes, after the Six Day War, and you remember the one i General Diane's young people say who the world was this guy, but we were old, we remember. And he was very colorful. And when they took over Jerusalem in the 67, war, and then all the nations were saying, You got to return some of the land to the Palestinians and so on. Diane said, General, Diane said, we'll maybe we'll return the Golan Heights. Not sure. But maybe, maybe we'll return a little bit of the desert, but Jerusalem, he said, Never. It's our capital city, we're never returning it. And when I read it, I thought, Man, The Lord knew 2000 years ago, he pointed to you a few years before that, that this was going to happen. I can imagine the Trinity saying it happens, you know, talking to each other, because I think they talk to each other, you know, and seeing it happen. And for those of us who know the Lord and you take the word of God seriously, and want to know, we're not dummies, we're intelligent. We're curious, we want to know how exciting it is. And if you're a dime, there's a book called The ends the end. And it's written by a graduate of Dallas Seminary, which I think is as popular of the recent ones, and a good one. But anyway, so Israel, then there's the nations, I'm not going to say much on this one, the judgment of God on the nations who are pagan, who are worshipping idols, who despise God, who deny Jesus Christ, who trample the Word of God, who blaspheme the name of our Savior, who blaspheme God. The judgment on the nations is clearly depicted in Isaiah and Jeremiah, and many passages of the Bible, including the New Testament on the book of Revelation. So the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church of God, the church of God is you and I, rescued by the blood of Christ, who repented one day and received Jesus Christ, we became children of God, our sins were forgiven. Once we were slave, now we are free. Once we are blind, now we can see was we were selfish. Now we love other people, was we were condemned now we are exonerated. We are part of the body of Christ, and the Lord has a plan for the church. And the plan is what we read at the beginning, what the Scripture teaches over here, and I want to just go as quickly as I can, so that you got to enjoy the great surprise that will be coming. Any day, when the Lord decides to come back. He said one day that as a man, even he didn't know as a man, that it was in the father's timing when he would actually come. But you know, the Bible talks about how the end is going to come. Don't get too frightened about global warming, the Earth is not going to end up drowned by the Arctic and Antarctic melting, it may melt. But we're not all gonna die. Because the Lord said, Never again, will I kill the human race by drowning, there will be fire when I was reading about this general from the Defense Department who's so worried about atomic and hydrogen war bombs that no question will start flying one of these days in the book of Revelation had mentioned in one of the passages that there will be a moment in history, what in one hour 1/3 of the human race is blown away. And when I read that, even when I was a kid, before the atomic bomb existed, I used to think, I wonder how God is going to do it. In one hour, a third of the human beings will be gone, a third of the forest will be destroyed, a third of the seas will be dried up. So don't worry about drowning. It's going to be dry. So don't let the world frighten you, um, biblically, but it's interesting that it does say that in one hour, and you know, as the bomb start falling in one hour is going to be 1/3 of the public. So it's all in the book. Now. We can't interpret it all the details, but you Get the picture of what the Lord is going to do. But for us, who are the believers, the ones who know the Lord, He's made us a promise. And I love John 14 is a beautiful passage. Don't let your hearts be troubled. You trust in God, trust also in me, In my Father's house, there are many mansions, if it were not, so what I have told you that I'm going to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am there you may be also. In other words, Jesus Christ told us the night that he was betrayed, of all the things he could have talked about here tells the disciples that this is going to happen. And he says, In the meantime, the Holy Spirit will come, He will teach you, He will guide you, He will remind you, He will never leave you, you won't be an orphan. He will be with you always. And you know, what the Scripture teaches, is basically this, that Jesus Christ will come for the church. That's the next event that the scripture encourages to think about, because it's the next big event coming up. The next big event for us who will love Jesus Christ is the coming of the Lord and the clouds of the air to take us to be with him. And in Thessaloniki, we didn't read first Corinthians 15, because it's a longish passage that explains details that people have, for instance, you know, when he comes, what kind of a body are we going to have? Okay, read first Corinthians 15. How's it going to happen, read first Corinthians 15. But in First Thessalonians four, he says, is in a precise form, in a very reduced form. He says, The Lord will come down with a shout of command with a trumpet of God with a shout of the archangel, in a twinkling of an eye, he will come and with him will come, the brothers and sisters who for generations, have died at peace with God, and they will come with him. And at that moment, the bodies of those who are buried because they themselves are in heaven, soul and spirit, that their bodies are still will be resurrected. And at that moment, first, they will be resurrected. But it all happened in one big bang. The second thing is, our bodies will be transformed, we who are alive will be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. First John chapter three says, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is, man, what a day that's going to be when he comes back in a sudden flash, bang, boom, trumpet noise, and we're gone. Our bodies if we're alive, I said, I hope it happens in the next 20 years. I want to be alive and had my body transformed, not buried, not that I notice when it's buried, but just the thought isn't too fun. I would rather he come while I'm alive. The apostle Paul said it 2000 years ago, he said, We would rather go to be with the Lord, avoiding the process of death. The Bible calls death the last enemy, and for sure it is, but it's the last one hallelujah. From then on. No more enemies were done with enemies. But the interesting thing is, all those my dad, my mom, my grandma, another grandma summons uncle's friends who were killed in motorbikes and all my buddies who are Christians who are in heaven, they're going to come down with the Lord, their bodies will be resurrected. And they will be like Jesus's resurrection body, and we are alive at that moment, our bodies will Shoosh from being this little thing that we have to carry around. We will all be handsome, and in great shape, and that'll be great. I mean, we shall be like Jesus, because we shall see Him as He is. That's what the scripture actually says. What are they that's going to be so that will happen at the coming of Christ in the clouds to take us out of here? Then what is going to happen to those who don't come with us? Well, the Bible tells us what will happen and some of the disagreements among believers, has to do not with the facts, but with the timing, so don't get into a fistfight. Over timing. But yes, get very serious about the facts that the Bible D that's coming the Antichrist and interesting, their secular movies, I don't watch them. I don't like my mind polluted with the unbeliever. So I don't watch movies, but I see the advertisement the Antichrist, the world talks about the Antichrist, the world talks about Armageddon, even people who don't know what they're talking about, and some are in their minds. Armageddon is the end of the world. So we Christians have had more impact than you think, even on Hollywood. What do they do about Armageddon and the Antichrist and all that they hear it from us, and he's coming for the church. But in the meantime, when we're gone during a period that appears to be seven years, they will come this Antichrist, and he will be a worldwide dictator. And he will deny God, he will position him in Israel. The temple will be rebuilt by then so they better hurry up and get that temple going. If it's going to happen next 20 years, and he will sit in the temple of God, calling himself God. And the nations will gladly submit power to him. And you already see it in the world. If you read the papers, the news, you see that people are saying, we need a world central bank, and there already is technically an international bank. And when the crisis of oh eight happened, more and more, they began to say, we need a central government, then we can try and control this problem. We wouldn't have all this collapse of banks and collapse of the economy and France and the US, and all this well gonna go bankrupt. And so the world is psychologically getting itself ready for the coming of an antichrist who will not appear to be the Antichrist. In fact, the first three and a half years, I think we've got it right from the Bible. He will be a nice fella. Let us read the smiling television personality, nice makeup. You know, I remember my grandpa used to make fun of our Bible teachers when he died in 1960. So what did he know? He didn't know anything about iPhones and internet, how now they can control people, the government can know where you were yesterday when you paid for your Starbucks and what you paid for your shoes. And Google can tell the government, what kind of Nordstrom clothes you like, and what kind of JC Penney's you don't like, and you know, they know everything about you. And I remember my grandpa used to say, that is so ridiculous. You guys believing that the antichrist can rule the world. Oh, that when Jesus comes, the whole world will see him Ha ha, ha. There was such idiots in those days, he used to make fun. They didn't know the word was round, and that there were people on the other side, and when is light in New York, it's dark in India, aha, he was so smart. He was Scottish. So he was very smart. But you know, I wish he was alive now and see he, grandpa, ha ha ha and you. Now a person in New York, who's got the power can see what's happening all over the world and control us all. It's frightening in a way. But thank God, we have a father in heaven, who will intervene at the proper time. Then about halfway through there, the Bible teaches the Antichrist will switch from being a nice guy to suddenly deciding he's going to control Israel, try and destroy it one more time. The devil never quits, trying to destroy Israel, because to him, Israel is a symbol of God's power and authority, not because Israel counts that much. It's a puny little bunch of 10 million people, there's 6 billion of us this 10 million people that are in Israel are so frightening to people, you know, is because the Lord has his hand on it for His glory. Okay, so the Antichrist will begin to control things. What we're seeing now in the Middle East is only a puny little percentage from what the Bible teaches will happen. So we at that point won't be here. And the Bible says, I will deliver you from the time of trial that's coming on the world. So thank God for that. I hope we're right on that interpretation. I don't want to be here when the Antichrist is here. So let's pray that Bible teachers were right, okay. And if we have to go through it, that's another story. But then the Lord will come back. And it says, he'll come back as the day of the Lord with power and great glory. And we will come and reign with him for 1000 years, he will destroy the Antichrist, by the fire coming from him, the Antichrist will disappear, and the Lord will dominate out of Jerusalem, the whole world that's exciting to realize we know it ahead of time. And when it all comes through, and Zora Louis was right on this, but he wasn't so right on that, fine, I don't care, and the Lord will dominate things. And then after 1000 years, it all goes very quickly. At this point, the nations will rise up one last time, man, they don't learn, they want to destroy the Son of God and the name of God, they will rise one, and that's what they call the battle of Armageddon. They're talking about it already in the Middle East. You know, the Muslims have a concept of a messiah too. And they also thought that it will be in the Valley of Hinnom. And in the Valley of Armageddon, that the war is good. They have it in their book, they got it course from portions of the Bible, but their right, their Messiah is not Jesus, the Messiah. It's something they've imagined and seriously so but they also talk about the Bible of Armageddon, and there once and for all, and forever, all rebellion will be put down, and then comes the eternal state, and we will be with the Lord for the rest of eternity. No more crying, no more pain, no more death, no more tears, no more pay nothing ugly, evil anymore. We will be with the Lord forever, man. I give it to you mighty fast, but it's basically what the Bible teaches. And you know, we need to know it. Because when you read the press, you could end up in a real panic, wondering what's going on. The Lord sits on the put on that says, Why do the nations roar at the Lord, He who sits in the heavens that laughs because the nations think they're going to accomplish what they want. And the Lord sits there, and he literally laughs and says, you think you're gonna do what you want, I'm not gonna let you do what you want. There are certain things I will allow, but my purpose is shall be accomplished. And you know, it is a beautiful thing to know that the God we serve and the Savior that we love and follow the eternal life that he's promised is real. And it's coming up. And you know, the Bible says, Jesus said, comfort one another in First Thessalonians, for comfort one another with these words. So when you read the disturbing things, don't go into panic, don't despair. Don't make foolish statements, allowing yourself to be drawn by the world. But say, we know what the future holds. We know that direction this is going. We don't know the specifics. Only the Lord knows all those specifics as they go along. But we know enough to know what the future holds. And that gives gives you peace. And you know, the Bible says, Whoever has this hope in Him, that is of his God coming purifies himself. This isn't just theory, comforting about the future it is, and what's wrong with being comforted. Nothing. But it says, Whoever has this hope in Him purifies himself. Yes. Because we say, hey, the Lord could come tonight. I want to meet him with a clear conscience and clean hands on a clean heart, nothing to be ashamed of when he comes. And we would be able to see him coming as a welcome, welcome. You know, some friends of ours. I mentioned him quite often when I do Bible teaching. His name was Ray Stedman and he pastored a church in Palo Alto, California. And one day, he got together with two other pastors, and three rabbis in Los Angeles. Some of you have heard me tell this, you know, you get to an age where you're a PTO vet stories, and why not? So they were getting together in LA to discuss the view of the end of the world on the future among Jewish serious Jewish scholars and serious pastors. So they discussed it for three days in some hotel in LA. And when it was over, they were resuming it, and the chief rabbi said to Ray and to the other two pastors, you know, I'm finally getting it. He said, I figure that when the Messiah comes, we Jews are gonna say Welcome, welcome. And you Christians are gonna say, Welcome back. Welcome back. I thought that was great. It was the old. The old though when you go to Rabbi got it. Jesus is the Messiah. sad that the Jewish nation hasn't recognize it. But when He comes as one of the Christians, right, Jesus is the Messiah. Welcome, welcome it Oh, and we will say, welcome back. Hey, Rabbi, I told you, but that's the truth. And you know, the fact is that the Lord wants us to rejoice in these things. And you know, we need to teach it to our children, in the simple outlines, they need to know it so that when they grow up, they have it's fixed in their mind that Jesus is coming back. But he's coming back himself. He's not sending Archangels the Lord Himself will descend. It says in, in every word, and first, let's install is worth your meditation. The Lord himself will come. He's not sending an archangel. He's not sending anybody else. He personally. And you know, when the Lord ascended into heaven, you remember that as he was blessing them, he was lifted up from the earth. I imagine it like some of those Cape Canaveral things. Were going slowly up into the clouds. So the Lord is going up, and they're looking up into heaven. And he just blessed them. It says that he raised his arms and bless them. And slowly he was taken up into heaven, and that about 500 of them were looking up as he was going up. And suddenly he disappeared behind the cloud. Acts chapter one, and two angels came down and said to them, all Galileans What are you looking up into heaven? This seeing Jesus, who's been taken up from you into heaven, will come in like manna from heaven. And that's exactly what felonious teaches, he will come in the clouds of the air, we will meet the Lord of the air and will always be with the Lord. So comfort one another with these words. Amen. There's so much more you could talk about, just read about it. Meditate on it. Rejoice you who teach Sunday school teacher, teacher, people need to know and unbelievers are desperate to know, they really want to know and they don't want to show that they want to know but if you start talking, you will be surprised how many of them want to know even intellectuals in Washington DC or New York. Would you believe? I could tell you stories but then Who never end. But it's wonderful to know that the plan of God is a full plan. That history isn't just stumbling or wrong, madly, going like a ball that's out of control. The climax of history is in God's hands. He knows exactly what it's gonna be like. He knows exactly in Revelation it says, the year, the month, the day, the hour, he knows it to perfection. I'm just waiting that he pushes it a bit, and does it soon. That's all. But you know, the Lord knows what he's doing. So rejoice over that. Meditate on it, learn more, be an expert. Don't be ignorant, that says in First Thessalonians four, let's pray shall we? Our Father in heaven. You are the creator of the universe. You created all things seen and unseen, visible and invisible. And we thank You, Lord, that your plan is a perfect plan. We thank you that you know when the climax of history will happen, when your perfect will will finally be acknowledged, when we will go up to be in your presence or God or father, and see you face to face as the Bible says. His servants shall see his face. Your eyes shall see the king in his beauty. Oh, Lord, what a day that's going to be when finally we see you as you really are. We long to be in your presence, oh, Lord. In the meantime, use us to lead many people into your kingdom. Use us oh Lord as priests to be able to lead many into eternal salvation. And oh God make us more like Jesus every day, so that we will honor your name and bring pleasure to your heart. Bless all families. Oh, God. Bless the teenagers, both children and grandchildren. Oh God, we pray that they will be sanctified and not swallowed up by the world. We pray oh Lord, for the boys and girls and our families, little sweeties that the world will try and corrupt. We pray oh god, that they would know you from childhood and be saints even from the earliest years so that they get to enjoy life and live the life that you intended for them. Oh, God, use each one of us for Your glory until the day you call us home and Jesus name. Amen. Hi, this is Wendy Palau. As someone who got to spend precious time with Luis or papa as I called him, I can tell you that his heart for evangelism was contagious. I hope hearing his voice and message today stirred that same passion in you, Luis love to remind us that evangelism isn't about waiting for a special calling. It's a call for all of us today. That call went out 2,000 years ago, when Jesus said, Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone. And we take that literally, and we're on a mission to share the gospel with every person on the planet. Will you join us? Will you pray for us? You can visit to help spread the hope of Jesus further and faster than ever before. Thank you for listening today and God bless you

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