God Revealed

June 05, 2024 00:39:01
God Revealed
Luis Palau Legacy Library
God Revealed

Jun 05 2024 | 00:39:01


Show Notes

Luis draws on the timeless wisdom of the Old Testament, unveiling its endurance and encouragement, and cautioning against grumbling. He reminds us that we are to approach scripture with a posture of reverence, guided by the Holy Spirit, and with a desire to grasp God's sovereignty and faithfulness. Together, let us embrace His inerrant Word as our guide, allowing it to transform us and ignite a fervor for evangelism and communion with our Creator.

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Episode Transcript

Tonight, I just wanted to tell you that the Lord is at work. And I want to read a few passages here. Would you look first of all, let's go to Romans chapter 15. If you have your Bible, you may want to underline a thing or two, as we talk tonight, I want to close because remember, we started saying we want to talk about the deep things of God, we are enrollments, are we chapter 15? How about verses one through five of Romans 15, look at what it says. We who are strong, ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves, each of us should please his neighbor for his good to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself. But as it is written, the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me. And this now he's referring to the Old Testament, okay? Everything that was written in the past, in the Old Testament, was written to teach us so that through the endurance and the encouragement of the scriptures, we might have hope. May the God who gives endurance and encouragement, give you a spirit of unity among yourselves, as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart, and one mouth, you may glorify God, and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, before we go to another little reading, look at what it says here about the meaning and value of the Old Testament. I don't know if you notice, but I did say in the two previous meditations we've had, that we learn from the Old Testament, but we live under the new the Old Testament is finished, it's kaput, it's over. It didn't save people. It didn't sanctify people, there was meaning to it. And we'll get into it in a second. We live under the new covenant, and therefore we know about your covenant, we learn and look at what it says, what is it we learned from the Old Covenant, it says over here, it teaches us everything that was written was to teach us, teach us what two things in this passage endurance and encouragement so that when you read the Old Testament, there is meaning to it, there's value, there's a lot of value, I'll mention a very quickly in a few moments. But one of the great lessons that the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul tells us here is that everything written in the Old Testament has two major objectives, that through endurance and encouragement of the scriptures, we might have hope. So when you read the story all the way from creation, and Adam and Eve, all the way to the early fathers of the people of Israel, and then Israel itself, and all the kings and all that happened to Israel and how they were taken away. All that is to teach us today, what we learn is endurance, encouragement, that gives hope. Now turn to First Corinthians chapter 10. First Corinthians chapter 10, we'll try and tighten up the reading, though, I encourage you to read it later on, on your own, versus let's read verse six, to 13. And again, watch what it says about the value of the Old Testament, which is inspired by God and teaches us and encourages us, but it does something else. Look at verse six, all the stuff that goes on in the Old Testament, He says, These things in the Old Testament, occurred as examples, to keep us from setting our hearts one on evil things as they did, do not be idolaters. Number two, as some of them were, as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and got up to indulge in pagan revelry. In one day, 23,000 of them died, we should not test the Lord, as some of them did, and were killed by snakes, and do not grumble as some of them did, and were killed by the destroying angel. These things happen to them Old Testament people as examples, and were written down as warnings for us on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come. So if you think that you're standing firm, be careful that you don't fall. No temptation has seized you except what is common to man, and God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can endure. But when you attempt it, he will also provide a way out a way of escape so that you can stand up under it. So look at it again, two major things In Verse six, the Old Testament happened to them, and they're in the Holy Scriptures. Why? As examples for our benefit. So when you read all the stories of all the Old Testament people and the people of Israel and so on, I noticed, I think six, maybe seven things here. First, they put their hearts on evil things. Number two, don't be idolaters idolatry absolutely is nowhere to be found in us. They began to get drunk and over eating, as a result, they got into pagan revelry, like the old religions that they have to get rid of, then some of them committed sexual immorality, and they died bitten 23,000 by the Lord's plague, then we must not test the Lord, as some of them did. And one of the great things about the Bible repeats you remember the old New Testament, don't test the Lord like they did in the desert, on the day of manna and so on. And when they were grumbling about the food and grumbling about, about the lack of water, and he says, that's what it's there for, so that you don't test the Lord, as some of them did. They were killed by steaks. In other words, the Lord is giving us lessons today when we watch what he did with his people in the old days. And the last thing is don't grumble uh, some of them did. You know, you will people who grumble about the music Watch out, you know, it's not a joke in local churches. Some of us don't like the contemporary music. I'm old. I like the old hymns that St. Paul used to sing, like amazing grace and all that. So it's not my cup of tea. But we got to watch so we don't grumble? I didn't say it. Don't get mad at me. Come back tomorrow. It's in the book. It says don't grumble and they were killed by the destroying angel who are no joke. grumbling is not sexual immorality is just belly aching we would say today. Uh huh. And the Lord doesn't seem to take kindly to belly aching and complaining. So old timers. Let's watch it. We're the worst the young people mess up, we grumble up. Okay, enough of that. The second lesson here that you notice it? In verse 11. He says these things happen to them. Old Testament. As examples know, this one is as warnings for us on whom the fulfillment of the angels. So in this passage, the Holy Spirit says two things. The things that happened to the people of Israel are written down for us today not to live under the law, but to learn as the examples that they left us the negative examples. And then secondly, a warning for us. It's a warning. So the Old Testament has great value. But we don't live under the old covenant. We don't live under the law. We live under the new covenant that the Lord made. Okay, I made that point. Yes. Say yes. Thank you very much. Yeah. And so now, one more reading. I hope you don't mind. John 16, John 16, just a few verses. But it's important, because we're talking about draw nearer to God. And He will draw near to you. And in a sense, this little series of three, about the deep things of God that I wanted to say this week is drawn nearer to God. We often think, drawing out to God. Worship, singing little sissy stuff. I mean, I'm a man i i drive an icebreaker. Yeah, I, I'm a pilot, man. All this stuff about drawing near to God. My mom does that. My grandma, she used to spend all day near to God, you know, my sisters. But it's a woman thing. Yeah, it's a woman thing. But it's also a man thing. On you know, a family wants to look at a guy. And the Lord says, I woke up in the middle of night and that verse, keep going around my head, draw near to God, and listen to this, He will draw near to you. I said, exciting of what? Some people get excited, because I get invited to the White House, and we get all excited. But God Almighty says, Hey, guys, drawn into me. And you know what? I'm gonna draw near to you. That's big stuff. That's gold. And so he's saying over here, that the scripture is the way that we draw near to God is a double thing. On the one hand, he's put in writing his thoughts, his desires, and I'll read it to you in a second. And on the other hand, the Holy Spirit if you're a believer, you have a Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit who inspired the holy scriptures is the author. The author lives within us. So The one who had the book written, inspiring the people who wrote it, the prophets, the apostles, and a few others, is the one who lives in us. So he draws us close to him. So you come near to me, says the Lord. And I'll come near to you, and ask big stuff. And that's not a bunch of hot air. That's reality. And one of the great passions I have is to encourage men, to actually take it to heart, the sooner you would or near to God, the sooner you will be a man of God, a woman of God, you will be a saint, you say, Who Wants to Be a Saint, every real Christian, because God is holy, and he wants you to be holy. And you know, one of the great differences between the religions of the world and God's revelation in Jesus Christ, and through the written word is that basically all religions say, be good, love your neighbor, bring an offering to Buddha, or to whoever. And the difference is, Jesus Christ gives us the power to do it. Big difference. It isn't just a moralistic exhortation, we have supernatural power. And look at what it says in John 16 and verse 12, listen to Jesus speaking, I have much more to say to you, the Lord says, More than you can now bear. But when he the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit comes, He will number one, guide you into number two, all the TRUTH, He will not speak on his own, he will speak only what he hears. And he will tell you what is yet to come. And then he says, He will bring glory to me says Jesus, by taking what is mine, and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That's why I said, the spirit will take from what is mine, and make it known to you. Now it's deep. That's why I called it the deep things of God. But it's not impossible to understand that your heart is right. God the Father, God, the Son, God, the Holy Spirit in these three or four verses, all combined, Jesus says, The Holy Spirit, who will come to live within you will take the things of mine, which are the things of the Father, and He will reveal it to you. So draw near to me, says the Lord, and I will draw near to you, and to draw nearer to the Lord. It's an action that we have to take draw near to Him. And He will draw near to you, when we were singing Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, I remembered something that I couldn't remember who it was some well known Christian, when he was coming to the end of his life. They said to him, What would you do differently? If you had to do over again. And that person said, I would trust Jesus more. I would trust Jesus more. And you know, the great thing is, for those of you who are young, I mean, it's never too old. Never too late. So don't throw it out the window, say I'm 75. I'm an old guy. Never too late. But what a privilege to start young. When you're a teenager, or in your 20s. And you're single. I remember when I was single, the fellow who discipled me said to me, Luis, take advantage that you're still single, when you get married, half your time chopped off. When you have a child 10% Chop, chop, chop, you almost have no time left for yourself. Take advantage now. Do you single, spend time alone with God? Lock the door, get on your knees, put a pillow under your knees, get a Bible and a notebook and pray and listen to God. Draw near to God Luis, and He will draw near to you. I started at age 17 and a half the guy who helped me I tell you is the greatest fabulous advice I ever got. And I have no regrets whatsoever. And you know, this is the privilege of every believer, draw near to God, come near to God, he will come near to you. He loves to reveal himself. He took the trouble to write it down in 1200 pages or so. And the Holy Spirit took the trouble to come on live within you. And he says I love you, man. I want to be close to you. I want you to think my thoughts. I want to use you. I want to bless you. You know, I don't know why Christians kick their heels so much against the promises of God. I mean, the more the better man. Somebody said their 7000 promises but that I think includes a lot of repetition. But let's boil it down to half 1000 1000 promises, and God doesn't blow hot air. When God promises, he pretends to fulfill it, he intends to fulfill it. There are conditions to every promise. So you have to find out what the fine print is the one you do, he says, You do this and you do this, believe me, baby, I'm gonna do this, and I'm gonna do it. But we have to come to the Lord. And you know, the Scripture says over here, that the Holy Spirit would remind us of all that he told us, and then he will tell you all things to come. In other words, the Lord delights to reveal to us. And when you look at the world situation today, the Lord says to you, look, I know what's going on. But we got to learn the ways of God, how does God actually work in the world? Well, let me tell you this, quickly, a little list that I made for myself, about what we learn about God in the Old Testament, because we do read it, and we learn from it, but we don't live under it. Okay, I write just a few. This is random, but it's a lot. First, we learn about the character of God. In the Old Testament, what is God really like? The character of God, you want to know who God is, don't go around reading a pile of books, spend time on your knees, reading the book of God, when God opens his heart to you. And he says, Let me tell you what I'm like, let me tell you how I think let me tell you why I allowed this, why I permit that the permissive Winneba. Secondly, in the in the Old Testament, you learn about the ways of God. Because sometimes God his character never changes. His morality never changes. It's just as an as okay. But he works differently with different people. He had he does with you and with me, he works. But God is able to keep the balls up in the air, about all of our lives. That's the intriguing thing you learn in the Old Testament. For instance, he was dealing with Abraham, and his son, Isaac, and his grandson, Jacob, and 12, grand, great grandchildren. And the Lord dealt with each one differently. One of the sons of Jacob adulterated with Jacob's wife, okay, he got it. And he lost so much because of it. But the same God dealt with that one oldest son of Jacob, the next two youngest son, his name was Joseph. Joseph was tempted by, if I may put it streetwise, a hot wife of a Egyptian officer. He said, No, I don't want to sin against God, I won't want to hurt him. You're his wife, you don't belong to me. And God dealt with son number 11. Because he was faithful, in maintaining himself pure, and made him the number two man in the world, the number two in the greatest kingdom of the world. So the ways of God are amazing. Why did God let Israel go for 400 years to Egypt, where they grew, where they develop, and then he took them out with great power, the ways of God, he hasn't done it with any other nation. But the ways of God are intriguing. And when you look at the word of God, on your knees, meditating, thinking, coming close to God, you begin to understand that we, and it's so exciting. And you know, here 5000 years later, Israel is again in the news. It looked like they were all over the world, you find Jewish people all over the world. And then suddenly, in 1947, they start coming back to Israel. It's the most intriguing thing, but I tell you, you draw nearer to God. And you begin to see here, I'm beginning to get it. I'm beginning to understand how God works. Perhaps you had your father left you and left your mom. Or maybe you're the result of a one night stand. And you say, Why did God do this to me? Listen, don't kick your heels. Don't be stupid. If I may put it biblically. You know, say, Lord, you must have a special plan for me. That I don't even know who my dad is. I never met him. He hooked up with my mom. He disappeared. My mom doesn't know his name. I've met people like that. Who God is doesn't love me. Listen, God has a special plan. Spend a lot of time in His presence and say, God, how do you want to use me? I want to understand why this happened to me. My dad died when I was 10 when I was a teenager was stupid enough to say to me why did you take him away? Now I kept my mouth shut that I'm not I didn't do too much of it. The Lord zap me. You know, I just want to know I don't know why the Lord took him but I know he makes no mistakes. And I know that I'd probably be in business rather than doing evangelism. That's my about valuation, but for you, the Lord is saying, look, the Holy Spirit will reveal. And then the government of God, how does God rule the nations without without controlling them? Sometimes we sincerely use the word God is in control. When the Twin Towers happened, I had to rethink this thing. People would call me on television stations and say, If God is God, if he's in control, why did the twins ours happen? And it just dawned on me, I remember on NBC and Portland the first time I said, Who told you is in control? Who are supposed to be know His purposes will be accomplished. But he doesn't control people like a great puppeteer. And said to those Saudi Arabians go along with the particular the towers in New York, God has His permissive will, that you learn on your knees, you don't just learn it in a book. And God overrules what happens in governments and nations. But he doesn't control. If he controlled, he will be a great puppeteer, and we will be nothing but computers. But he's given us freedom. And some people say, we don't have free most of the world, man, I don't find that in the Bible. I see it in books, but not in the Bible. God has given us choice. And you can choose yes or no rebel, or submit, obey or disobey, spit in God's face, or humble yourself. And you know, so you learn that in reading the Old Testament, the sovereignty of God, which means that God in an unusual way, without manipulating people, without manipulating their will, without forcing them to do something that's wrong, that in His sovereignty, he can take everything that you and I do, and achieve His purposes, the purposes of God will be accomplished. And that's exciting. And you learn that when you draw nearer to God, and you listen to what he says, the other thing you learn in the Old Testament, of course, is holiness. One of the great things ever since the fall of the human race, is that God wants to sanctify you and me. In other words, that we clean thoughts, clean attitudes, clean, intimate life, clean, faithfulness, and marriage. Clean hands, the Bible talks about a clean heart, give me a clean heart, O God, test me and try me to see if there's any wicked way in me. You learn that, in the presence of God, come near to God, he will come near to you. He wants to make you holy. Holiness brings happiness. Holiness brings fulfillment, holiness, bring success, God's kind of success. And that's exciting. Then also in the Old Testament, not only the holiness, you understand a bit about it, but you also see the power of God. And you learn how to pray to God, and you know, the authority that we believe us have, that we can actually, when we think God's thoughts, this says in Psalm 37, listen to this one, delight yourself in the Lord. And He will give you the desires of your heart is a very profound principle. Delight yourself, if I delight myself in the Lord, in His presence, I come near to God, take time, it takes time. This is not something you do, rushing from the 711, to the office of the school. This is takes time to shut off the stuff that stands in the way and spend time with God. And the Lord will answer your prayers. You learn to pray in God's will. By spending time in God's presence, you come nearer to God, and the Lord comes here to you, and by the word. And by the indwelling, Holy Spirit, he teaches you what to pray for. He says, pray for kings and all who are in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. So if millions of us that believe in Jesus Christ would obey what actually the Bible says, is to pray for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may live quiet and godly lives in our holiness and godliness. We have to pray. That's how we can influence elections. You say, really? That's what the book says. It must be true. Is it true? Yes. And so draw nearer to God and He will learn how to you and the Scripture will teach you and me, the mind of God, the thoughts of God. The Bible says also in Assam, you must know it, not from the east or the west comes lifting up, but God is the judge. He lifts up one and put down another. So it's God's work, that he works in unusual ways. And he overrules. The Lord teaches us in His Word, how to pray God's thoughts. And when you learn to have God's mind, you're able to this tremendous power in prayer, and very many of us are very weak at it. Then another thing you learn in the Old Testament is the patience of God. It's an amazing thing, you know, how patient God is with us, and with other people who hurt us, or hurt other people. And we don't understand all the ways of God until you get closer to him. And you begin to understand some of what's going on in the world. And to me, when the Lord says to you draw nearer to God, and I will draw on here to you, it really is a serious call. It isn't just, hey, here's a suggestion, if you've got nothing else to do, no games on television, hey, so about spending a few minutes with me. You know, the Lord is calling us to come near to Him, and He will come here to us. And in the Old Testament, we learn all about this, about the character of God about there's one thing that I said here 20 years ago that had an impact on some friends of mine, studying the life of Gideon, in the Old Testament, you learn one principle from the Bible that the words are not used in the Bible as this, God sweats the details. We like to think are our gods that are going to waste time with my stupid remarks or that something stupid I did the other night or something like that? No, the Lord sweats the details. And when you study the life of the Old Testament, you see that the Lord was watching, and he's watching whoever is faithful in little, remember Luke 1610, is faithful also in. But whoever is faithless in a very little, also tends to be faithless in March. So the Lord is watching. And he's watching you, and he's watching your heart. And he says, I want to use you. I've got a purpose for your life. But I'm watching. Are you faithful in the little things and then the Old Testament, you see it about Joseph again, Joseph was so faithful as a young teenager, he wasn't an old guy. By age 30, he was already the number two man in the whole Egyptian empire, which was the number one emperor of his day, a 30 year old foreigner, Jewish, Florida, in Egypt. And he did simple things, he was reliable. And it says that the God of the prison, The Guardian, will look at Joseph and said, He is faithful in every job I give him, he can run the whole prison, and he turned him over to Joseph. Now, if Ben can do that, the Lord is even more so. And it's so exciting to realize. And when you read the Old Testament, you're reading it, not to live your life under the Old Testament, but to learn lessons about God's character, and how he worked with human beings. Now, when you go to the New Testament, of course, then it's even more clear because the Lord speaks with clear commands, clear direction, and the Lord really explains to us what he expects. Now, let me finish with this thought of to God has revealed himself, he's revealed himself. I mentioned the other night revealed himself in person, through the Lord Jesus Christ, revealed himself in writing, inspiring the Holy Word, reveals himself in creation, where he is beauty, his art, and his power, reveals himself who dreams and visions for people who otherwise cannot give the truth. And he also uses us as his mouth. I love Jeremiah 1519. And it says, If you separate what is precious, from what is vital, listen to this. If you separate what is precious from what is vital, you shall be as my mouth. Now there's a promise for you guys. God wants to use you as a man or a woman, young or old, as his mouth to speak His truth. The condition is, I have to have a clean heart and walk holy in my secret life in the inner person. If you separate what is precious from what is vile, you shall be as my mouth now there's power, there's authority. That's what God would love for every one of us to have. But you know, God has revealed himself. We talked about it the other day. So I want to give you like six words. First one is Revelation. Revelation is God's desire for people to know Him. The second one with regards to the Bible is inspiration. Inspiration is this, God's Holy Spirit. So working in the writers that they wrote what they wanted to write, but God saw oversaw what they wrote that it was inspired, and that you can trust it. 100% So Revelation, God speaking about Himself off in various ways, inspiration, God at work in the writers of the Word of God. Lately, I've heard a statement that really bothers me. There are two words that bother me and I think it should bother you and it probably that. One of them is when we call the Bible a story. Book. Story. Okay, yeah, if you gotta get, I don't like stories. I remember my son, Steven, who is a teacher now, but he wasn't a teacher as a little boy. And sometimes he go to bed or we're watching a movie. And he would say, too bad or to me. Is that real? Oh, is it a story? Story? Here, here's a story. Okay. This is not a story. This is history. And this is inspired truth. Now, I'm not going to go to war on it. But a little bit. Yes. I mean, don't call it a story. This isn't the story. The second thing that bothers me is this. People are going home and saying, I'm a red letter, Christian. Who that gets to me. I never did like Bibles printed with the letters of Jesus in red, because all of it is the word of Jesus. But some people are going around saying, I only read the Red Letter stuff is as Jesus's word. Who if somebody says that to you say, So when did you become a heretic? Because you know, All Scripture is inspired by God. This red letter thing is some printer who decided to do it, I wish they throw them all out. But the fact is, you have to be careful. In other words, it's not like a big fat joke, the whole thing. It is really exciting and joyful, but it's serious. So inerrancy inerrancy is another word you have to know about the word. That's the result. Inspired by the Holy Spirit of what the apostles and prophets wrote, you can trust it 100%. I remember once were in Scotland many years ago, and the chairman was a clergyman of the Church of Scotland, fine, fabulous guy. We became friends, great wife, they didn't have their own children, they adopted children. And when they were at a pastor's retreat before the festival, and I was doing some exposition of Second Corinthians to probably 150 pastors, and we were going, you know, word for word and second Corinthians chapter four. And when we had sat down for lunch, there was a bunch of Irish guys and Scottish fellows. And the chairman, he had two doctorates from University of Edinburgh. He said to me in front of these other guys, Luis, the way you expose it, the Bible, you seem to think that every word is actually accurate and the word of God. And I said, Don't you think so too. He said, That's not what they taught us in, in the theological college. And I say, well, you'll know Theological College, every word is the word of God. And you know, he was a clergyman with two doctorates in theology, etc. On the last day of the campaign, which lasted two weeks, I gave a final invitation for people to come to Christ. First one to come forward was the chairman with his wife and his three children. And they came and stood in front of the crowd and face the crowd. They gave their life to Jesus Christ. He knew the Bible, he had doctorates, but he didn't know the Savior. And the Bible was a sort of a book that yeah, you picked and chose, he became a saint. He's in heaven. Now. He was a good friend. And two fellows in our team had an impact on him. And that's why he got so serious. And one night they were dinner. And he told me this. And they were talking about the assurance of eternal life and that we have it now. And when we die, we go to heaven. And he said, That night they got to bed he and his wife. And it was about two and a half weeks before he gave his life to the Lord, to the grace of theology. And he said to his wife, Hey, darling, you heard what those do fellow said about the assurance of eternal life. Do you have the assurance he says to his wife, she said, you know, why don't do you? You shouldn't I'm not sure at all. We got to get ready. And that's how I had the Bible study. And then on the final night, he gave his life to the Lord. The Word of God is inerrant, no mistakes, no errors, trustworthy 100%. Amen. So drawn here to God, as a young guy as a middle age as an old guy, draw near to God, he'll draw me to you, and the things we learn about God the deep things of God, absolutely glorious. And the more you'll with the Lord, and don't worry, you don't become abnormal. Abnormal are the ones who don't know the Lord. But you know the Lord sure that few Kooks but they would be Kooks no matter what they were, you know, I mean, most of us are pretty normal. People, but when you spend time with the Lord, you suddenly become a different person and it's thrilling to be spending, then the next word is illumination. Okay, illumination is this the Holy Spirit? Who lives in you, clarifying in your mind, the meaning of what's in writing, illumination is the Holy Spirit teaching, as the Bible says it, I got a pile of verses that the time has gone. And then the last one, I will say is examination. You take the word of God, seriously, and you say, Oh, wow, I'm getting something new here. What do I have to do? What do I have to get rid of? What do I have to add? What do I have to confess? What should I do next? You examine yourself, as you study the Bible. I want to close with this word is a verse that I love in Psalm 25. It goes like this. The Lord delights in those who fear him. He makes His covenant known to them. Young guys, the Lord delights in those who fear him. He loves it. When we respect him, honor him, treat him with the honor, he's all God, our Creator, who said, I made you in your mother's womb, I made you and your I love you. And then he says, he makes his covenant known to them. The Lord delights in those who fear Him, He makes his nose, he will reveal stuff, and he will teach you things that people who don't respect the Lord never get to know. And so I wanted to finish with that one, draw near to God, and He will draw it out to you. The Lord delights and those who fear Him, He makes His covenant known to them. Let's pray. Oh, God, our Father, thank You that You are at work in the world today. Thank you that people are coming to your feet, in Iran, in the USA, all over the world. Thank you, Father that Your love never ends. And Lord tonight, we all want to recommit ourselves to you to come nearer to you, so that you will come near to us day after day. Lord, I pray your blessing on not only the young guys who are here, the young women, but all of us middle aged and older, who also have the privilege of drawing near to you, God Almighty. And you can draw near to us, oh God, make every one of us holy men and women. Joyful men and women, spiritual men and women who know your mind and know you. In Jesus name. Amen. Hi, this is Wendy Palau. As someone who got to spend precious time with Luis or papa, as I called him, I can tell you that his heart for evangelism was contagious. I hope hearing his voice and message today stirred that same passion in you, Louise love to remind us that evangelism isn't about waiting for a special calling. It's a call for all of us today. That call went out 2000 years ago, when Jesus said, Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone. And we take that literally, and we're on a mission to share the gospel with every person on the planet. Will you join us? Will you pray for us? You can visit Luispalau.org to help spread the hope of Jesus further and faster than ever before. Thank you for listening today and God bless you

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Episode Cover

Choices, Consequences, Legacy

Don’t miss this sermon on the profound journey of Abraham's faith as we conclude Luis Palau’s four-part series on Abraham and Lot. Against all...



August 06, 2024 00:48:43
Episode Cover

The Two Kingdoms

Join us for an insightful sermon as Luis Palau discusses the two opposing kingdoms in our world. Through personal experiences and Biblical wisdom, he...
