Latest Episodes

Repentance, Confession, and Cleansing
Dive into the profound teachings of Luis Palau as he explores the depths of Psalm 51 as a source of comfort and renewal. Luis...

A Staggering Event
Meditate on the profound impact of conversion as Luis Palau delves into Jesus’ transformative power, and the shift from mere religion to a profound...

Union and Communion
Join Luis Palau in exploring the profound concept of union and communion with Christ. Delve into the importance of being clothed with power from...

What is Christmas all about?
Luis Palau unpacks the true meaning behind Christmas. Delving into the significance of Jesus' birth, as the ultimate rescuer of humanity, we’ll also explore...

You’ve Got the Power!
Discover God’s transformative power as Luis Palau takes a close look at Jesus' prayer for unity and the impact of simple acts of love....

A Clear-cut Conversion
Dive into the transformative journey of the apostle Paul. Enter into Paul’s radical experience of conversion from Saul to Paul and his preaching of...